İnkılap Tarihi Konu Özetleri

by Yergok Apps



In summary this application threads revolution history lesson anlatılmıştır.eğit purposes of this application will provide a positive contribution to student learning. Application categorized as a textbook created by:All issues are available starting from the battle of Tripoli. Practical topics are as follows:Battle of Tripoli,Balkan Wars,World War I,Armistice and Societies,The occupation of IzmirMustafa Kemals life,M. Battle of the preparatory period,Erzurum Congress,Sivas Congress,Calls Amasya,Misak-ı Milli,Riots,The Treaty of Sevres,War of Liberation Fronts,Western Front,Kütahya battles Eskisehir,Battle of Sakarya,The Great Raid,Mudanya and Lausanne,Revolutions of Atatürk,Kemalist Thought System